Vocal Cord Nodules Home Remedies
by vocals-in-tunepublished on
In this article we'll discuss how to deal with vocal cord nodules using home remedies.
Most of us may have experienced voice hoarseness, which sometimes leads to complete loss of voice that may last for days. This scenario happens when your larynx or voice box becomes inflamed due to irritation, overuse, or infection.
Vocal cords are found inside your larynx, which will also be inflamed along with your voice box, causing voice hoarseness.
Today, we will be looking into vocal cord nodules home remedies in the hopes of reliving and lessening voice strain. Before we go through the remedies, let us first understand what a vocal cord nodule is.
What Is a Vocal Cord Nodule?
A vocal cord nodule is one type of noncancerous growths usually found in the middle part when there are vocal cord lesions in your voice box. Nodules, cysts, and polyps are all part of lesions that can cause voice raspiness due to voice trauma or overuse.
Vocal cord nodules, sometimes called singer’s nodes, are the consequence of repeated voice misuse or overuse. These nodes appear like calluses when seen under the microscope and are sometimes linked to abnormal blood vessels.
Women are more prone to having vocal cord nodules, especially those between the ages of 20 to 50 years old, although men can also be affected. People with vocal cord nodules experience scratchy throat leading to frequent throat clearing, limited or reduced range of vocal sounds, pain, and coughing.
What Causes Vocal Cord Nodule?
These benign growths on a person’s vocal cords are mostly caused by continuous abuse and misuse of the voice like shouting, frequent singing, and loud talking. If you persist in misusing your voice, the inflamed and irritated nodes will harden and grow even more prominent, preventing your vocal cords from functioning normally.
Aside from overusing the voice, some other factors that may cause nodule growth are smoking, drinking alcohol regularly, and allergies. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease or GERD may also add to the swelling and inflammation, aggravating the symptoms. Hypothyroidism, asthma, other respiratory infections, and viruses are other factors that may cause the formation of vocal cord nodules.
Breathing polluted air, especially with dust and chemicals, will also irritate your vocal cords.
What Are the Symptoms for Vocal Cord Nodules?
Voice Changes
The initial indication of nodules forming in your vocal cords is the noticeable changes in your voice. You may experience hoarseness, tired-sounding voice, lower pitch than your normal voice, as well as voice cracks or breaks.
Limited Singing Range
Vocal cord nodules are common among singers since they continuously use their voice when performing. If a singer has nodes in their vocal cords, they may have difficulties singing higher notes. Others may completely lose their voice, preventing them even to talk, much less sing.
Another common symptom for vocal cord nodules is pain felt on the neck or the shooting kind that you will feel from one ear to the other. You may even feel like there is something caught inside your throat.
Other Symptoms
Aside from the symptoms mentioned above, you may also experience coughing, tiredness, and the natural desire to clear your throat.
Common Vocal Cord Disorders
Below are some of the most common vocal cord ailments.
Laryngitis means that the larynx is currently inflamed, which may distort the sound from your voice box, resulting in a raspy voice. There are two types of laryngitis: acute and chronic.
- Acute laryngitis is often temporary and may be due to different factors, like viral infections, voice strain or overuse, and bacterial infections.
- Chronic laryngitis, on the other hand, typically lasts longer than three weeks and commonly begins when exposed to irritants like dust, chemicals, and smoke for extended periods.
You are more prone to develop vocal cord nodules when you have chronic laryngitis. Besides, you may also suffer from a total loss of voice, sharp breathing, and uncomfortable coughing.
Vocal Polyps or Cysts
These are abscesses in the vocal cords that look like small pouches that will cause hoarseness and breathiness to your voice.
Vocal Nodules
These are small hard, and coarse lumps that develop in the vocal cords due to several factors, such as voice overuse.
Vocal Cord Paralysis
This ailment means that your vocal cords are unable to move due to nerve damage. As a result of this, you may experience difficulty in swallowing or breathing.
Vocal Cord Dysfunction
Based on its name, this means that the vocal cords do not usually function. It hinders the airways that may cause breathing difficulty. Hence, it is sometimes confused with asthma due to similar symptoms.
Contact Ulcers
These are sores that you find in the vocal cords caused by consistent abuse of the voice. They may also happen when acidic stomach elements go back up your throat, irritating your larynx in the process.
Vocal Cord Tumors
Tumors can either be cancerous or benign and may cause problems with your voice. A virus may cause benign tumors, whereas cancerous ones may be due to smoking and excessive drinking of alcohol.
Vocal Cord Nodules Home Remedies
Below are some self-care methods that you can try at home to help relieve the pain and lessen the strain on your voice.
1. Breathe some moist air.
For this method, you can use a humidifier to moisten the air inside your house. You can also inhale the steam while having a hot shower or through a bowl filled with warm water.
2. Rest your voice.
Make sure to refrain from talking or singing as much as possible to allow your vocal cords to have a break. Also, try using a megaphone or a microphone if you need to speak in front of a large crowd so that you will not be forced to talk loudly to the point of yelling.
3. Increase your fluid intake.
Make sure to drink lots of fluids to keep your throat moist as well as prevent dehydration. It is also recommended that you refrain from consuming caffeine and alcohol during this time.
4. Maintain a moist throat.
Always have lozenges with you so that you can suck on it to moisten your throat. In addition, you can also chew on a piece of gum to activate your salivary glands to produce saliva.
Try to gargle with warm salt and water mix multiple times in a day to help reduce the swelling of the vocal cords. This also helps to rinse out any bacteria from the throat.
5. Stop smoking and drinking alcohol.
Smoking and drinking alcohol can quickly dry your throat as well as irritate the vocal cords.
6. Refrain from clearing your throat.
Frequent clearing of your throat will only irritate your vocal cords and aggravate the symptoms.
7. Stop taking decongestants.
All types of decongestant medicines will only dry your throat, causing it to itch, which will then lead you to cough and strain your vocal cords.
8. Do not whisper.
Stop whispering if you want to talk to someone. Doing this is more harmful and damaging to your vocal cords as compared to speaking in your natural voice.
9. Consume garlic and ginger root.
The antibacterial properties of garlic and ginger root can help in stopping the infection and reducing inflammation.
10. Use over-the-counter pain relievers.
Taking this kind of medication can relieve pain and reduce inflammation, eliminating the uncomfortable feeling throughout the day.
When to See a Doctor
Consider going to the doctor if you are experiencing symptoms longer than three weeks so that he can determine if you need additional testing. It is most definitely time to see a doctor if your voice becomes hoarse or you have a total loss of its sound. Also, you may want to visit a doctor when you are having difficulty when swallowing, there’s a lump in your throat, you feel an unexplained pain, and if there’s blood when you cough.
Possible Treatments for Vocal Cord Nodules
The initial advice that doctors provide is complete voice rest, making sure that you avoid any activities that may require you to use your voice.
Another possible treatment is voice therapy. This is where a pathologist specializing in speech-language will educate you on how to properly and safely use your voice.
Treating other medical conditions that you may have that caused the formation of vocal cord nodules is also part of the treatment plan. These may include acid reflux, allergies, thyroid problems, and even sinusitis.
In some severe cases, vocal cord nodules may have to be removed through surgery without damaging the healthy tissues around it.
Final Thoughts
Keep in mind that many vocal cord nodules home remedies are not an assurance that it will eliminate swelling. These nodules can and will come back if you continue to abuse and overuse your voice, so you must know how to care and protect your vocal cords.
One sure way to avoid nodules from developing is to be aware of what causes them. Then, make a conscious effort to avoid those things.
To avoid straining your vocal cords and cause more damage, you can try doing some vocal exercises before you sing or talk for long periods. These exercises are designed to warm up your vocal cords.
It is also best to go to a health professional if you are having difficulties and when the symptoms have lasted for more than three weeks.