What Singing Voice Do I Have?
by vocals-in-tunepublished on
In this article, we will discuss how to find out what singing voice you have. First, we'll look at how singing voices are classified according to types. We will go over a few of the most relevant criteria for determining the type of singing voice. After this, we'll go over each of the eight voice types which are used in contemporary music. With this information, we will then have a look at how you can find out which type of voice you have.
What is a Voice Type?
It is possible to classify different voices according to a type. Multiple criteria can be used to classify a voice. These criteria include vocal range, tessitura, and vocal weight. There are other possible criteria like bridge location (passagio), vocal timbre, and vocal registers, but we won't be discussing these here.
What are Vocal Range and Tessitura?
The vocal range refers to the lowest and the highest notes, which a given voice can produce.
In the context of singing, the vocal range relates to the range of notes which are useful for the specific music you want to produce. This range of notes does differ from one type of music to another. An opera singer would need to be able to cover notes which can be projected over an orchestra. In this case, without the use of a microphone. A pop singer, on the other hand, can include all notes which are heard through a microphone.
It is the structure and shape of a person's vocal cords, which determines a person's vocal range. Hence, it is physically impossible to reach notes outside this range.
The tessitura is the range of notes which you can sing - comfortably. Hence the tessitura will be a subrange of the vocal range.
When deciding which songs you wish to sing, tessitura is the most critical factor.
What is Vocal Weight?
Just as different instruments have different sizes, voices can have different weights.
An example of a comparison can be that of the violin family. In this family of instruments, we can find violins, violas, cellos, and double bass. These have different sizes. If they play the same note, it is possible to hear a difference in the 'heaviness' of their sound.
Similarly, when voices sing the same note, they will have a different vocal weight.
What is the importance of having a specific Voice Type?
Originally voice types were defined for use in classical opera. In classical opera, there were different roles for each of the voice types.
Nowadays, knowing which voice type you have can help you to find out which singers you can use as examples. Besides, it allows you to know which songs you should be able to sing well.
So, knowing which voice type you have will allow you to know which notes you can sing without harming your voice.
Even if you might have a very narrow voice range, you can still be able to sing very beautifully. Do remember that a person's voice type is not at all related to singing ability.
Which voice types exist?
There are four male voice types:
- Bass (lowest)
- Baritone
- Tenor
- Countertenor (highest)
Analogously, there are four female voice types:
- Contralto (lowest)
- Alto
- Mezzo-Soprano
- Soprano (highest)
The male voice type with the lowest singing range is the bass. It has a tessitura between E2 and E4, but its full vocal range can be from C2 to G4. Bass has a hefty vocal weight. Some examples of famous bass singers are Till Lindemann, Barry White, and Louis Armstrong.
The baritone has a tessitura between G2 and G4, but the complete vocal range can be from F2 and C5. Like bass, it has a heavy vocal weight, but it can reach higher notes. It is the most common male voice type. Some famous baritone singers are David Bowie, Beck, Rick Astley, Glenn Danzig, and Alice Cooper.
Another prevalent male voice type is tenor. The tenor has a tessitura of between C3 and C5. They can sing much higher notes than the bass and the baritones. On the other hand, their vocal weight is somewhat lower than that of the bass and the baritones. Some well known tenors in pop music are Freddie Mercury, Bryan Adams, Bono, Stevie Wonder, and Michael Jackson.
A rather rare male voice type is the countertenor. It has a tessitura between E3 and E5. Also, it has the lightest vocal weight of all the male voice types. A famous example is of a countertenor is Bruno Mars.
An uncommon female voice is the contralto. The contralto voice type is the lowest female voice and has a tessitura between E3 and E5. It has quite some vocal weight. The tessitura of this voice type completely overlaps that of the male countertenor. Some examples of countertenors are Cher, Dido, Annie Lennox, and Nina Simone.
The alto voice type has a tessitura between F3 and F5, but the vocal range can extend further above and below this range. This voice type has a fair amount of vocal weight. Most singers who have this voice type decide to stick to singing low notes, although, with practice, they should also be able to hit higher notes. Some alto singers are Tracy Chapman, Lana Del Rey, and Amy Winehouse.
Of the female voice types, the mezzo-soprano is the most common. This voice type has a tessitura between A3 and A5. Also, it has quite some vocal weight. Some famous mezzo-sopranos are Madonna, Tori Amos, Lady Gaga, and Bette Midler.
The soprano voice type is the highest female voice. The tessitura of a soprano is between C4 and C6. Their vocal weight is very light. Some examples of well-known sopranos are Ariana Grande, Beyonce, Carly Rae Jepsen, and Mariah Carey.
How do I find out which Voice Type I have?
To find out which singing voice or voice type you have, first of all, you'll need to warm up to make sure that you do not overexert your vocal cords. Then find your lowest and highest notes. When you've discovered these, try to compare them with the ranges of the voice types of your gender.
1. Warm up first
Warm up your vocal cords first, such that you don't damage them. Warming up your voice is similar to warming up your body at the beginning of a workout.
It is especially important to warm up your vocal cords at the edges of your vocal range.
2. Find your lowest note
Find and play the middle C (C4) on a piano. Sing along while playing the note. Move down (to the left) on the white keys of the piano and sing along until you discover the lowest notes that you can no longer sing comfortably. Mark the last note which you can sing with comfort before reaching those you are unable to sing.
3. Find your highest note
In a similar manner as finding the lowest note, find and play the middle C (C4) on a piano. This time, move up (to the right) on the white keys of the piano and sing along until you discover the highest notes that you can no longer sing comfortably. Again, mark the last note which you can sing with comfort before reaching those you are unable to sing.
4. Compare your lowest and highest notes with the voice type ranges
Now that you have discovered the lowest and the highest notes that you can sing comfortably, you can compare them with the voice types listed above.
Do note that your vocal range or tessitura does probably not match the criteria of any voice type exactly. Just focus on finding out which vocal range or tessitura that matches your vocal range the closest.
Once you have found your vocal range, don't try to sing any lower or higher, as it might damage your voice.
It is essential to find out which voice type you have, such that you know which songs you can sing without damaging your voice. Also, you will know which singers you can use as examples for singing.
When you have found out which singing voice you have, it is time for you to practice increasing the quality of all the notes which you can sing. At first, you'll only be able to sing specific notes in your range with high quality, but with practice with you will able to master all the notes in your complete tessitura.
What is a Voice Type?
It is possible to classify different voices according to a type. Multiple criteria can be used to classify a voice. These criteria include vocal range, tessitura, and vocal weight.
What are Vocal Range and Tessitura?
The vocal range refers to the lowest and the highest notes, which a given voice can produce. The tessitura is the range of notes which you can sing - comfortably.
What is Vocal Weight?
Just as different instruments have different sizes, voices can have different weights.
How do I find out which Voice Type I have?
To find out which singing voice or voice type you have, first of all, you'll need to warm up to make sure that you do not overexert your vocal cords. Then find your lowest and highest notes. When you've discovered these, try to compare them with the ranges of the voice types of your gender.